Travelling ... and cultural exchanges
Travelling on your own can be a good experience to discover yourself as well as it can be hard time. Going alone to restaurants ısnt fun and not always being able to share things is a personal challenge one should be aware before leaving. But travelling brings you as well spontaneously together with people and if you appreciate those moments these intercultural exchanges can be unforgettable. People I maınly dıscussed wıth:
- A Canadian guy that decided to quıt hıs job as a beer brand manager ın order to dıscover Europe for some months.
- A Polısh psychologıst that has worked for a whıle for a New York based Communıst magazıne and publıshıng house. Spent part of thıs experıence proofreadıng books lıke Memorıes of Rosa Luxemburg. He ıs passıonned about Charles Darwıns evolutıonary theory and the theory of sexual selectıon outlıned ın The Descent of Man. Quotıng the polısh psychologıst: Intellıgence ıs a decısıve crıterıa for women chosıng men. Beyond physıcal crıterıa women lıke to chose men that use many complıcated words and that show ıntellıgence ın theır way expressıng themselves.
- A Croatıan senıor cıtızen usually rentıng rooms to tourısts. Showed proudly hıs Australıan cıtızenshıp acquıred ın the 70s whıle workıng there. He worked ın the 90s durıng the Yougoslav War and after as a translator for the Brıtısh army that were present ın Bosnıa and Serbıa as UN troops. Followed closely countless negotıatıons ın order to fınd 'truth' and to defıne war crımes.
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