European Thomas

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Splıt. Hvar. Dubrovnık. Croatıan Coast

Dıffıcult to descrıbe the beauty of the Croatıan coast. Clear deep blue sea water, long beaches, little islands with karst landscapes, Roman ruins dating from the period of the Venetian reign. So it is no surprise to find tourists from all over the world visiting those cities and islands.

And this is exactly the problem: Tourist industry is so highly developped that prices raise very fast and that discovering those places is close to taking the Tokyo metro during the rush-hour. Charter flights with beach tourists and crusing boats spit their crowds every day into the beaches and cities.

For example: the amazing city of Dubrovnik with a UNESCO world heritage classified old town looking like a living museum gets transformed into a place of mass restauration and one tourist guide voice trying to scream louder than the other. So whatever you hear about the Croatian coast, yes, these places are worth to be discovered but be prepared for planified mass tourism.


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